
A level: Literary texts and films


For A level Russian students are required to study two works from the list below. This can be either two literary texts or one literary text and one film. All the texts and films are available online for free. The best time to start reading/watching is summer BEFORE the A level course begins. 

You can find Exam specifications on Pearson Edexcel website.


Literary texts

● Пиковая дама, Александр Пушкин, 1834 (shortstory)

● Ревизор, Николай Гоголь, 1836 (play)

● Вишнёвый сад, Антон Чехов, 1904( play)

● Один день Ивана Денисовича, Александр Солженицын, 1962 (novella)

● Неделя как неделя, Наталья Баранская, 1968 (novella)

● Сонечка, Людмила Улицкая, 1992 (novella)


● Крылья, dir. ЛарисаШепитько (1966)

● Утомлённые солнцем, dir. Никита Михалков (1994)

● Кавказский пленник, dir. Сергей Бодров (1996)

● Левиафан, dir. Андрей Звягинцев (2014)



You can find the texts in free online libraries. eg. Библиотека Мошкова или Флибуста.

Films are mainly available on YouTube. 


If you can’t find what you’re looking for, your tutor will be able to help you.