Bullet Points
Question Two contains four bullet points that form part of the task. Failure to cover all four bullet points will impact on the marks that can be awarded against the requirements of the two mark grids for this question. There is no requirement for even coverage of the bullet points in any band. However, in order to access marks in the TOP band, you must refer to all bullet points.
Writing Style
The task requires you to write in a formal register. It means that you need, for example, to avoid using slang, over-familiar language, exaggeration, ‘text-speak’, inappropriate colloquialisms or writing in a conversational style. Formal register and style require the use of the formal structure when using verbs, personal pronouns and possessive adjectives.
Usually if you use one point in one paragraph approach, your answer will fetch more marks. However, the content and language are determined by the type of the writing. For example, for narrations use story telling words like “однажды”, “затем”, “в то время как”, “наконец”. In informative types of texts you may want to use factual information, specific examples, connective words like “например”, “поэтому” to make еру text clear and coherent. You need to adapt your language consistently to narrate, inform, interest/convince.
Number of Words
You should write 90–110 words for this GCSE Russian task. Should you compose more or less doesn’t make much difference, it is approximate and no-one will penalise you for writing more or fewer words than recommended in the word count. Everything that you write will be marked.
Uncommon Words
You need to use the language creatively to prove your point. Make your reader interested. Your thoughts, ideas and opinions should be original and go beyond the minimum response. In order to achieve this, you need to be able to operate a wide range of vocabulary and expression, including many examples of uncommon language. What is uncommon language? “побывал” instead of “был” “занимательный” instead of “интересный” “прекрасный” instead of “хороший” “прогулялся” instead of “гулял”.